이화여자대학교 사범대학이화여자대학교 사범대학


국제협력기관국제협력기관 이미지와 설명글을 보여주는 표
Auburn University (USA)

Auburn University (USA)

  • 2012.12 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. Betty Lou Whittford, Dean of the College of Education

  • 2012.06 - Auburn visits Ewha for Global Studies in Education Program

  • 2012.06 - Visit by Dr. Andrew Gillispie, Assiatant Provost for International Program and Dr. Timotny Boosinger, Provost and Vice President for Acacemic Affairs

  • 2012.03 - Visit by Dr. Andrew Gillispie, Assiatant Provost for International Program

  • 2012.01 - 2011 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

  • 2011.06 - Auburn visits Ewha for Global Studies in Education Program

Beijing Institue of Technology, Institute of Education (China)

Beijing Institue of Technology, Institute of Education (China)

  • 2011.10 - Group visit to Ewha & meeting with Guo Dacheng, Dean of the Institute of Education

CAPES Program, Ministry of Education (Brazil)

CAPES Program, Ministry of Education (Brazil)

  • 2012.04 - Program team visit to Ewha and meeting

California State University Fullerton (USA)

California State University Fullerton (USA)

  • 2013.01 - 2012 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

Fairfax County Public Schools Board (USA)

California State University Fullerton (USA)

  • 2012.11 - Visit by Ilryong Moon, Chairman and Member at Large of the Fairfax County Schools Board, Virginia

The George Washington University (USA)

The George Washington University (USA)

  • 2012.03 - Meeting with Dr. Michael Feuer, Dean of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development

Indiana University (USA)

Indiana University (USA)

  • 2009.09 - Implementation Plan Signed

Institute of Education, University of London (UK)

Institute of Education, University of London (UK)

  • 2013.01 - 2012 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

  • 2012.11 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. Karen Evans, Chair in Education

  • 2012.03 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. Ian Warwick, Director of Learning and Teaching

  • 2012.01 - 2011 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

  • 2011.10 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. John O’Regan, Lecturer in Education (TESOL)

Jinan University (China)

Jinan University (China)

  • 2009.09 - Implementation Plan Signed

National Institute of Education (Singapore)

National Institute of Education (Singapore)

  • 2011.05 - Participte in Ewha-NIE workshop at Ewha

Navoy State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan)

Navoy State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan)

  • 2011.02 - Group visit & meeting, incl. Dr. Ibraimov Kholboy, Rector, President of the Institute

Naresuan University (Thailand)

Naresuan University (Thailand)

  • 2011.02 - Group visit and meeting, incl. Dr. Sombat Noparak, Dean of the Faculty of Education

  • 2009.05 - Academic Exchange Agreement Signed

New South Wales Government, Department of Education (Australia)

New South Wales Government, Department of Education (Australia)

  • 2011.05 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. Michele Bruniges, Director-General of the Department of Education

The Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (France)

The Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (France)

  • 2013.01 - 2012 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

Tumenriver Vocational School(연변대학 부속 도문교학중심) (China)

Tumenriver Vocational School(연변대학 부속 도문교학중심) (China)

  • 2013.01 - 2012 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습

Ulaanbaatar University (Mongolia)

Ulaanbaatar University (Mongolia)

  • 2012.12 -

    • 몽골울란바토르대학 부속고등학교 간호대학 학장, 부속고등학교장

    • 이대 사대 및 부고 방문.

    • 제 3회 이화-서대문 일일대학체험 프로그램 Dream*Star Project에 참가

University of Notre Dame (USA)

University of Notre Dame (USA)

  • 2012.01 - Visit by Dr. Jonathan Noble, Director of International Offices

University of South Carolina (USA)

University of South Carolina (USA)

  • 2012.12 - Visit and Lecture by Dr. Lemuel Watson, Dean of the College of Education

University of Southern California (USA)

University of Southern California (USA)

  • 2011.03 - Group visit from Rossier School of Education

Uttaradit Rajabhat University (Thailand)

Uttaradit Rajabhat University (Thailand)

  • 2011.04 - Group visit and workshop at Ewha

Wellesley College (USA)

Wellesley College (USA)

  • 2012.01 - 2011 선도사범대학 GTEP/Ewha Faculty Led Program 해외교육실습